My unclaimed profile has an error. What can I do?


Our users want to be able to find your profile quickly. In order to achieve this accuracy, each listing must be claimed by the person concerned before any modifications can be made.


After you search and locate your active dental listing, click "Claim Listing" under your name and address to proceed. Then, follow the instructions to claim a listing. You can make any necessary modifications once you have claimed your listing.


If you are unready to claim it, you can either leave your listing as it is or ask for the deletion of the Bell Dentists listing. Your request to be removed must be submitted in writing and accompanied by proper identification. It is possible to submit your identification with sensitive details redacted, such as your birthdate. However, before processing your request, we need to confirm that you are the person shown in the listing. Your identification will be removed from our files once the removal process is complete.


Also, we recommend that you ensure that all online directories contain your practice's exact information. How do you do this? Scan your practice with our free scanner tool to see how it looks online.


Prepared to claim your profile and become Featured?


As reported by Google, businesses with detailed listings are 197% more likely than other businesses to be viewed. Make sure to provide detailed information such as hours, ratings, reviews, and service lists.


What if my local business information isn't correct?


73% of consumers will lose trust in a business if the online details are incorrect. Therefore, companies can lose over $10 BILLION each year due to inaccuracies or incomplete online information.


What should I write in my profile?


We have a guide to help you create your listing.


Is there a contract?


You can choose your preferred subscription level when you claim your listing. However, you have the option to cancel at any time.


Why does a Featured Listing or Home Page Featured Listing cost that much more?


By being at the top of our search results with a Featured Listing, you have the likelihood to increase clicks by 75%. And if your profile is optimized as well, featured listings can significantly increase traffic to your profile and, in turn, your practice. 


A Home Page Featured Listing provides your practice with maximum visibility since users don't have to search for your practice to find it. It's already displayed above the fold on the Bell Dentists homepage.


Tell us. If you bring in at least one new client monthly, is the added cost worth it?


Do you need to add practice areas?


Yes. A comprehensive dental listing creates credibility amongst users.


Your free location scanner discovered mistakes in my digital information. What now?


Localsync can help you synchronize and lock your location data. Contact them today.


How do I know which directory is best?


When it comes to online directories, we believe it's essential to extend your practice's reach with each new directory you decide to use. Plus, each directory provides your practice with a valuable backlink that helps you improve your SEO and search ranking in Google.